Hammersmith Surgery 1 Hammersmith Bridge Road Hammersmith London
W6 9DU
United Kingdom
Hammersmith Surgery 1 Hammersmith Bridge Road Hammersmith London
W6 9DU
United Kingdom
Care & Treatment
Respect & Dignity
Seen on time
GP Ratings platform seeks reviews from genuine patients.
Reviews are received through a variety of methods including online, kiosks and SMS text messaging.
Generally good, one GP not so good...
I have been a patient at The Hammersmith Surgery for a number of years now and thankfully due to not having too many health issues have only had to see a GP occasionally. I am generally satisfied with the service provided but should point out 2 negative experiences with the GP named 'Antonia Wade'. On both occasions I found this GP to be arrogant, rude and disinterested in assisting with the issue at hand and reluctant to examine or actually do what you would expect from a family doctor when presented with a healthcare matter. On both occasions I was offered this person as being the 'only one available' so I will make sure that if I need a GP in the future here it will not be with 'Antonia Wade'. Have seen other GPs who have generally been professional and kept any narcissism to their private lives instead of pushing it on their patients, unlike Wade.