Jubilee Park Medical Partnership
Trevor Slaneyone year ago
ExcellentSeen On Time
GreatDreadful Service
It is impossible to get a non urgent appointment at this practice. They tell you to ring after 10:30 but even ringing dead on 10:30 you end up 15th in the queue. It then takes an hour to speak to a receptionist who then tells you that there are no appointments available. I have a number of things to discus that does not require a face to face meeting. My only way forward is to go to the surgery for an urgent appointment. It should also be noted that the Jubilee Park Medical Partnership have taken down their website and it is no longer possible to make a complaint online. I had an important blood test over 3 months ago and have yet to be contacted with the results.
It is impossible to get a non urgent appointment at this practice. They tell you to ring after 10:30 but even ringing dead on 10:30 you end up 15th in the queue. It then takes an hour to speak to a..
Jubilee Park Medical Partnership
getting an appointment in advance is impossible, you resort to having to use the emergency appointment my calling 1st thing which is also difficult to get an appointment
Jubilee Park Medical Partnership
Trevor Slaney